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For cigarettes, E Cigs, Cigars 

After much development and research, this format has proved to be the most powerful and effective. The total fee is £120. This is much more cost effective than Nicotine Replacement therapy which costs over three times as much and has a considerably lower success rate.

This is what happens. You will see that it is all very straight forward and there is nothing to be anxious about.

One thing that must be made clear from the outset:

Who wants you to give up? I can only help you if the answer to that question is ‘Me’. This is important as we work with your strength of resolve and commitment.

From the moment we make the appointment, the therapy starts, so the first thing I ask you to do is plan a count down to your ‘end day’ - the day you finish smoking. This will be the day when you see me. You’ll need to work out which will be your last packet, and plan to get through that packet until you have the last and final cigarette just before your appointment. Savour this cigarette and know that it is your very last. This exercise will help to condition your mental thought processes, and strengthen your commitment prior to your therapy session.

When we meet, I will ask quite a few questions in order to establish the ‘type’ of smoker you are. This will help me to tailor the session to your own particular needs.

We then have a practice with hypnosis, so that you can experience it and realise how relaxing, enjoyable and easy it is. Then we use various hypnotherapy techniques to deal with the mental thought processes associated with your smoking habit.

Have you tried: Patches, gums, inhalers, cutting down, cold turkey?

If you have, they probably haven’t worked.

The physical addiction of nicotine is a very minor part of the problem - so patches, are ineffective. About 6% give up with Nicotine Replacement Therapy

The mental addiction of smoking is a very major part - that’s where hypnosis comes in. Over 95% give up with my Smoking Cessation programme.

This is why, for most people, gums, patches and inhalers are not able to stop the habit, because the problem is a mental one and lies within the inner closed part of our mind , known as the subconscious. Mental programming. And we construct these programs in the mind through habitual repetition. If we do the same thing often enough, that thought pattern then gets imprinted in the mind. Then it goes onto ‘automatic’ and starts to control us!

The subconscious responds to circumstances around us. 

Example: Perhaps you find that whenever the kettle goes on, you ‘automatically’ reach for your packet of cigarettes, and without hardly realising it, you find yourself sat down with a cuppa in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

So, what happened? The act of putting the kettle on activated a ‘light up trigger’. These triggers are unique to each smoker. Another common one might be - after a meal or when you jump into the car. A ‘light up trigger’ reminds you, with the feeling of a craving, that when you do this, you have a cigarette.

Final thought: How long can you go without a cigarette? A hour? A couple?

OK. So, how many hours do you sleep?

So, it is fairly easy to go that long without a smoke . Why? Because you don’t have any ’light up triggers’ until the morning.

What is hypnosis?

A deep relaxation technique which gives you a similar feeling to daydreaming. It is a perfectly safe, natural state of mind.

What does hypnosis do?

It allows communication with the subconscious mind. Here we can retrain our thought processes to respond differently to ‘light up triggers’.

It also works on the positive benefits of being a non smoker:

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to say:

I feel fitter and healthier. I am not breathless when I run up the stairs.

I have a wonderful sense of taste and smell. I really enjoy my food.

My breath is fresh, my hair and clothes smell clean.

I am there for the people who rely on me.

I am saving a considerable amount of money.

Under hypnosis your subconscious mind will accept positive ideas like these, and having done that it will oppose any of the old smoking habits. They now have no role to play. It knows that you want these positive benefits and recognises that smoking can not help to achieve them.

The therapy also works on an emotional level, dealing with all the various feelings associated with smoking, such as guilt and fear.

So how does hypnotherapy help?

In hypnosis we are able to access the subconscious part of the mind. The part where habits are stored. We can re-programme it and take away the habits and replace with a much more positive, healthy point of view. It is Mental Re-programming. And we construct these programs in the mind through habitual repetition. If we do the same thing often enough, that thought pattern then gets imprinted in the mind. Then it goes onto ‘automatic’ and starts to control us!

Who is it suitable for?

Anyone who is 100% committed to giving up!


The one off session is £135 online or £145 face to face

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